In many ways, a bench warrant in Yuba City California is just like a regular arrest warrant. They both have the same effect (i.e. you go to jail). But in some other ways, a bench warrant, which is a warrant which comes directly from a judge, is different.
For example, many people want to know “how long does a bench warrant last?” First off, these warrants never expire. Once the judge issues them, they remain in the county computer database forever. It’s only a matter of time before the defendant rolls through a stop sign in Sutter County or is in the wrong place at the wrong time and you are found out. When the officer sees the warrant on the computer and it has you or your loved one’s name attached to it, it’s game over.
Depending on the length of time the warrant has been issued, your attorney is going to give you legal counsel specific to your situation. But first, you’ll need to call Bail Bond Shealy (bail bond near me) to get out of jail in the Yuba-Sutter area. Their bondsman are fully licensed and offer the lowest bonding rates available in California.
Bench Warrant Facts
Another difference between a bench warrant and a regular arrest warrant is that bench warrants are known to carry high amounts. In some cases, these warrants might be stated as cash-only warrants. Your attorney can investigate the reason(s) into this and advise you accordingly if there is a way to change a cash-only warrant into a bondable warrant.
Sometimes, the amount is higher because the judge takes the matter personally. Judges usually issue bench warrants only if the defendant violates a direct court order, such as failing to appear for trial.
Other times, the amount is higher because there are considerable fees involved. That’s often the case for bench warrants associated with failure to pay alimony or child support.
There are answers and solutions to both these problems. Some judges are willing to reduce bail amount, especially if the warrant has been outstanding for a while. If the defendant stays in jail, especially for a misdemeanor, no one wins. The Sutter County Jail must bear the costs, while the defendant and the defendant’s family suffers so it is usually in the best interest of all parties involved to come to a workable solution where fees are paid, warrants are resolved and justice moves forward.
Fee-related bench warrants work a bit differently. Most people can only pay debts if they are working and making money. Additionally, there may be some Constitutional questions arise if a judge puts someone in jail for failing to pay what might be considered, essentially a private debt. Answers on how to approach these and other variables can come from your legal counselor.
California Bench Warrants and Jail Release
Generally, an attorney makes arguments like these at a bail reduction hearing. At this hearing, the judge reconsiders the warrant status (cash-only or not) as well as the bail amount. Some factors include:
- Defendant’s ties to the community,
- Severity of the offense,
- Defendant’s criminal record, and
- Amount of evidence against the defendant.
Sometimes, this type of hearing is not necessary but it is good to know about just in case the need arises. You can find more information about bail and bail bonds at Bail Bond Shealy http://www.bailbondshealy.com/bail-faq/ or call (530) 743-7000 every day of the year 24/7. Bail Bond Shealy has been serving the needs of Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Butte and Nevada counties for over 50 years. As a family owned and operated business, we take pride in helping others in their time of need.
Please be advised that www.bailbondshealy.com and Bail Bond Shealy is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consider consulting with a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter given that individual state, county or city laws may vary. http://www.bailbondshealy.com provides INFORMATION ONLY and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made and the use of the www.bailbondshealy.com website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.