Going to visit someone in jail can be overwhelming. Especially hard if you don’t know where to go, when to go and how to follow the rules. Below are important pieces of information to guide you if your loved one is in the Colusa County Jail.
Jail Telephone
Inmates have access to phones with collect call capabilities only. The jail does not accept incoming calls, and incoming telephone messages will not be taken. Phones are in operation from 7:30 am – 10:00 pm.
Jail Visiting Location/Days/Hours
Colusa County Jail facility is located at 929 Bridge Street, Colusa, California. The facility began housing inmates in 1963 and can house up to 92 inmates. Inmates in the facility may be awaiting trial or serving a sentence.
Inmates are allowed two 30-minute visits per week. You must have photo identification in order to visit. Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Children may not be left unattended in the lobby or visiting room under any circumstance. For more information, please contact the jail at (530) 458-0205.
Visitation for inmates at the Colusa County jail is based on gender, housing and profile status so you will want to determine these factors before planning your visit.
Female Inmate Visiting Hours
Inmate Type | Day Available | Time Available |
Administrative segregation | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
General population | Wednesdays and Fridays | 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm |
High-profile | Tuesdays and Saturdays | 10:00 am – 12:00 noon |
Maximum security | Mondays and Thursdays | 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm |
Male Inmate Visiting Hours
Inmate Type | Day Available | Time Available |
Administrative segregation | TuesdaysThursdays | 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm9:00 am – 12:00 am |
General population | Wednesdays and Fridays | 9:00 am – 12:00 noon and1:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
High-profile | Tuesdays and Saturdays | 8:00 am – 10:00 am |
Maximum security | Mondays and Thursdays | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
View jail visiting hours online here.
If you are visiting from another state or traveling a great distance, Colusa County Jail may allow you an extended visitation. Call 530-458-0205 to ask for special consideration.
Colusa County Jail Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Anyone over the age of 18, who isn’t on felony probation and can produce a valid government-issued photo ID can be approved to visit an inmate in this jail.
Visitation applicants in Colusa County must sometimes submit to a background check.
If you fall under any of these conditions below, it is likely that your application to visit will be denied:
- Those with warrants are denied visitation or if allowed to visit, will be arrested at the jail.
- If you are a co-defendant with the inmate in a pending case, your visit will be denied.
- Anyone with a past felony conviction regardless of probation/parole status.
- If you and the inmate are under a court order to have no contact with each other, your visit will be denied
The Colusa County Jail staff will turn anyone away who is not dressed appropriately for a visit. Below are general guidelines.
- Wear clothes that are not revealing.
- Don’t wear see-through material.
- Have all undergarments covered (males and females) and avoid a lot of cleavage.
- Shorts and skirts should reach mid-thigh.
- Sleeves should be at least half-way to your elbow.
- The following types of clothing are also prohibited:
- Clothing promoting gang affiliation.
- Anything displaying drugs, weapons or profanity.
- Clothing depicting anything obscene.
Colusa County Jail Visitation Tips
Jail visits are conducted in person behind plexi-glass or on a televised screen from another location.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and guardians must provide proof of their guardianship.
Leave all personal belongings, except for your state ID in your vehicle or in a locker (if one is provided).
Children must be monitored at all times or jail staff will end the visit early.
All Visitors are subject to search once inside the facility.
Visiting rooms are smoke and tobacco free areas. Electronic cigarettes are not permitted.
Call Bail Bond Shealy 24/7 at (530) 743-7000 for fast release from jail.
Bail Bond Shealy has been serving the needs of Yuba City, Sutter, Colusa, Butte, Yuba and Nevada counties for over 50 years. As a family owned and operated business, we take pride in helping others in their time of need. If you have more questions about how bail bonds work, see our website page https://www.bailbondshealy.com/bail-faq/
Please be advised that www.bailbondshealy.com and Bail Bond Shealy is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consider consulting with a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter given that individual state, county or city laws may vary. http://www.bailbondshealy.comprovides INFORMATION ONLY and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made and the use of the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.