Nagar Kirtan will be celebrated in Yuba, City California on the weekend of November 3rd and 4th. This year marks it’s 39th year of celebration in Yuba City and is celebrated by thousands of those who worship the holy Sikh scriptures. Bail Bond Shealy (bail bond near me) welcomes the Nagar Kirtan celebration and wishes the local Yuba community and everyone else attending a peaceful and joyous time. Bail Bond Shealy would like to thank Mr. Sukh Singh of the Guru Nanak Sikh Society of Yuba City for his contribution of the following expose` with insights into the Sikh Religion and Nagar Kirtan celebration.
Sikhism is a monolithic religion that believes in one God with equality and respect for the human race and His Omnipresence. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak, born in 1469 who was the first Sikh Guru followed in succession by nine Gurus till 1708 when the Guruship was formally bestowed to the present holy book of Sikhs called Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by the tenth Guru Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji.
In commemoration of Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, The Eternal Living Guru of the Sikhs, the first Sunday of every November is celebrated with great religious and social fervor in Yuba City. This year will be the 39th year of celebration. Nagar Kirtan (Nagar means town and Kirtan is praise of God by singing religious hymns from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) over the years have become a multicultural event where all communities partake in more than a week-long program.
Part of the fundamental belief of Sikhism is for the uplifting of all humanity and in celebration of this, the festival offers free food for everyone 24/7 around the clock during the celebration. Religious programs start in the first week of September and during the last 2 weeks leading up the first Sunday in November, ceremonies will continue both day and night.
At the core of the celebration is the non-stop reading of the holy scripture called the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, comprised of 1430 pages. Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the fifth Guru, Guru Arjun Dev Ji in 1604, with the addition of holy scriptures coming from the first five Gurus. Additionally, holy writings of many past and contemporaneous holy saints of various religions of India, were also included by the fifth Guru. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru added holy hymns to the final version that came from his father, Sri Guru Teg Bahadur ji, who was the ninth Guru. Af this time, it was declared that the holy book was full and complete and that there shall never be any changes made to the holy scripture and has remained that way to this day.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib has a universal message of “Sarbat Da Bhalla” which means, “may everyone prosper with the blessing of God with the three basic principles of, meditation, earning a lively hood by hard work and sincerity, and share charity with others in need.
Nagar Kirtan celebrations have come a long way over the past 39 years bringing communities together. Diversity is seen at its best during last two days when more than 100,000 American’s come together not only to enjoy free food but more importantly to share the internal bond of love, hope, and peace that runs through each of us.
Starting in the month of October and extending through the first Sunday of November, local businesses also welcome Sikh visitors from all over the world and benefit from this population increase. The Nagar Kirtan celebration is open to everyone and all are welcome without any reservations, appointments or hindrances what so ever. You will find people who are welcoming, friendly and willing to help everybody along with the Yuba City Police Department, who year after year, has contributed excellent and exemplary service during the celebrations.
Bail Bond Shealy is a local bonding agency providing 24/7 professional and licensed bail bonding services every day of the year. If you are arrested and need bail bonds services in Yuba City; Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, and Butte Counties and throughout the surrounding areas, call Bail Bond Shealy at (530) 743-7000 to speak with a bondsman.
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