In most cases, peace officers cannot arrest drivers for speeding or super speeding. Traveling over 100mph is most likely hitting the speed limit for a felony in California. Both these infractions are usually citation-only. However, officers can arrest you for reckless driving. Vehicle Code Section 23103, California’s reckless driving law, is a very vague law which does not mention speed. An officer can arrest you if you drive “in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.”
That could mean almost anything so it can be used in a variety of situations where an officer sees the need for direct intervention to control the driver and remove them from driving their vehicle. Basically, it’s a code in the law that gives law enforcement an opportunity to remove a dangerous driver from getting back in their vehicle. This can be very important if the officer thinks the driver might risk harming themselves, others, or property in general. A vehicle being driven can become a deadly weapon indeed.
California speeding tickets are very expensive. The state tacks on “penalty assessments” which are usually four or five times the fine. So, a $70 speeding ticket could mean $350 or more in penalty assessments. Furthermore, reckless driving is a misdemeanor. It’s punishable by a maximum 90 days in jail and/or $1,000 fine. If you’re arrested for reckless driving, you’ll almost certainly need Bail Bond Shealy to help you get out of jail (bail bonds Yuba City).
Jail Release in Sutter County
Any jail time is bad both medically and legally. As soon as the cell doors close, the body produces lots of stress hormones. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure could cause permanent brain injury. Additionally, the longer you are behind bars, the fewer options a lawyer has in terms of building a defense.
Sutter County has a pretrial release agency. If the defendant is charged with a nonviolent crime and has no criminal record, OR (own recognizance) release is usually available. Reckless driving is a nonviolent offense, but any recent criminal activity may disqualify you. As you can see, there are factors that can mess up a pretrial release opportunity. Having this work out for you is like having the planets align in your favor on winter solstice.
Cash bail may be an option as well, but you need to have quick access to a lump sum of cash. Bail is basically a security deposit that you give to the county. If you fulfill all the conditions of bail and do not skip town, the county usually refunds most of the amount.
Cost is a big drawback here. Cash bail, even for reckless driving, could be several hundred dollars. Furthermore, once the sheriff releases you, you are completely on your own. If you have questions about bail conditions or the criminal justice process, you’ll have to figure out the answers on your own.
Benefits of a Bail Bond Shealy Bonding Agent
A surety bond (bail bond near me) is usually the best choice. Pretty much everyone qualifies, and a surety bond has none of the cash bail drawbacks.
These bonds are basically verified promises that Bail Bond Shealy makes to the Sheriff that you or your loved one agrees to fulfill all conditions of bail and appear at all required hearings. With Bail Bond Shealy you get the most affordable and lowest cost bail bond allowed by California law. As low as 7%, 8%, and 9%. This is far less than what other bondsmen charge to prepare and file a bail bond.
A surety bond is not just less expensive than cash bail. Your Bail Bond Shealy bondsman is an excellent resource person. If you have questions about the process, your bondsman usually has answers. Furthermore, if you need an accommodation on a particular condition, like regular in-person reporting, your bondsman can generally work with you.
If you or a loved one has been arrested in a speeding or vehicular related charge, call Bail Bond Shealy today. For over 50 years our family-owned company has helped people all over Yuba, Sutter, Butte, Colusa and Nevada counties get out of jail quickly and affordably. For the best opportunity to build a strong defense of your arrest charge(s), you need to get out of jail quickly and be out free on bond. That is what we do best 24/7! For more information about bail bonds and our bonding services click here Call us at (530) 743-7000
Please be advised that www.bailbondshealy.com and Bail Bond Shealy is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consider consulting with a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter given that individual state, county or city laws may vary. www.bailbondshealy.com provides INFORMATION ONLY and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made and the use of the www.bailbondshealy.com website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.